Monday, September 29, 2014


Nutrients are needed by every living creature to carry out any process of life, not to mention oyster mushrooms. On oyster mushroom agen bola cultivation, mushroom obtain nutrients from sawdust, sawdust where it serves as a growing medium. Sawdust materials that can either be obtained from hard wood sawdust wood types because the potential to improve crop yields. In hardwoods contain large amounts of cellulose which is desperately needed by solusose oyster mushrooms. Some types of hardwood that can be used as a growing medium such as wood sengon, village wood, or mahogany. Sawdust as a medium to grow oyster mushrooms can be obtained from the sawmills. Before being used as a medium, needs to be done prior to the composting sawdust in order to break down into simpler compounds that are available and easily digested by the oyster mushroom. Sawdust composting process can be done by clos
GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA ONLINE SBOBET IBCBET TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA DI INDONESIA ing the wood sawdust using a plastic or a tarp for about 1 to 2 days. If a temperature rise of about 50 ° C means that composting has been going well.

Oyster mushroom growing media is not only derived from wood sawdust alone, but there are a variety of alternative materials as a substitute for sawdust, among others can be derived from a variety of grounds, such as coffee grounds, paper pulp, bagasse, or tea dregs. Nonetheless, a good medium for the cultivation of oyster mushroom is sawdust.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

La siembra y el uso de tabaco

La siembra y el uso de tabaco en Indonesia ha sido conocida desde hace mucho tiempo. Tabaco Commodity tiene un papel importante, no sólo como fuente de ingresos para los agricultores, sino también para NegaraTanaman tabaco es cultivos estacionales, pero en el mundo de la agricultura incluidos en la clase de cultivos arbóreos y grupos de cultivos no están incluidos.
Tabaco (hojas) se utilizan como materiales para ro de
POKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA todos modos. Cultivo de tabaco es un esfuerzo de mucha mano de obra. Aunque el área de plantación de tabaco en Indonesia, estima que sólo alrededor de 207 020 hectáreas, Amen en comparación con el cultivo de arroz, el cultivo de tabaco requiere una mano de obra casi se triplicó. Además hay actividades agrícolas lainnyaPada primer proceso etapa del cultivo del tabaco, las semillas sembradas en un vivero especialmente diseñado. Al mismo tiempo, los agricultores preparan con cuidado el suelo en la tierra. Después de dos meses en el vivero, las semillas crecerán en las plantas 15 a 20 pulgadas de alto y listos para ser trasladados a los campos. Plantas crecer entonces en el campo durante los dos o tres meses a partir de entonces. Durante el proceso de la siembra, las plantas fueron tratadas para maximizar el rendimiento y la calidad. Tratado regularmente suelo y las plantas también cuidadosamente protegidos de las plagas y enfermedades.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cultivo de la yuca en el distrito

Cultivo de la yuca en el distrito de Saber tiene una muy buena perspectiva.

Con un capital de sólo alrededor de 7 millones de rupias por hectárea,
Agen Bola los agricultores pueden obtener ganancias de hasta 50 millones de rupias.

Se ha demostrado en los residentes aldea Próspero New Hope Village Distrito de Saber.
De mandioca (yuca) es uno de los alimentos básicos a menudo nos encontramos el día-/ day.With siembra cada vez más extendido de la harina de yuca en la causa de las necesidades de una tecnología cada vez más yuca meningkat.penerapan necesita ser aplicada a nivel de campo mediante la aplicación de paquetes tecnológicos adecuados a la medida de condiciones de cada región (ubicación específica) .Apalagi con el uso de fertilizantes orgánicos Contaminantes Orgánicos Nasa Nasa y que se ha demostrado para aumentar la producción (cosecha) para los agricultores de yuca (mandioca) técnicas de cultivo .As yuca de la siguiente manera:


A. yuca Semillas / StekPenanaman se puede hacer después de las plántulas / esquejes y suelos preparados. Tiempo. Bueno para la siembra es el comienzo de la temporada de lluvias. Esto es debido a la yuca requiere agua principalmente en el creci
Agen Bola

Monday, August 4, 2014

It is to be prepared before starting the cultivation

It is to be prepared before starting the cultivation of coffee is planted shade trees. Shade trees in order to adjust the intensity of incoming sunlight. Coffee plants, including plants that do not require full light intensity mataheri.
Types of shade trees that are often used in the cultivation of coffee is dadap, leucaena and sengon. Choose shade trees that do not require a lot of care and leaves can be a source of green manure.
Sengon types of shade trees should be planted 4 years before the cultivation of coffee. While this type of leucaena can be faster, about 2 years earlier. Actions n
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014ecessary to care for shade trees is leaf pruning and thinning. Planting seeds of coffee
If land, shade trees and seedlings are ready, the next step is to move the seedlings from the polybags into the planting hole in the garden area. Spacing is recommended coffee cultivation was 2.75 × 2.75 meters to 2.5 × robusta and arabica 2.5 meters for. Spacing was varied with the height of land. The higher land are rare and the closer the distance, the lower the earnings.
Make the planting hole with a size of 60x60x60 cm, making the hole was made 3-6 months before planting. When digging the planting hole soil excavation separate top and bottom dugouts. Let the planting hole is open. Two months before planting, mix 200 grams and 200 grams of lime sulfur to the soil excavation bottom. Then enter into the planting hole. Approximately 1 month before the seeds are planted 20 kg of compost mix with dugouts on, then insert it into the planting hole.
Now the coffee seedlings ready to be planted in the planting hole. Previous papas leaves contained the seeds to the remaining ⅓ part to reduce evaporation. Remove the seeds from the coffee polybag, then dug a little hole that had been prepared planting. The depth of excavation to adjust the length of the roots. For seeds that have roots tunjang try perpendicular to the plant roots. Close planting hole so that the plant stood firm, when necessary give stakes to support plants against buckling. Coffee cultivation treatments
Steps required for the maintenance of coffee cultivation is stitching, trimming and weeding fertilizing. Here's the explanation: a. Peyulaman
After the aunt planted in the garden area, check the growth of the seedlings at least twice a week. After 1-6 months old seedlings check at least once a m
onth. During the examination period, when there is death in the immediate coffee trees do stitching. Stitching is done with the same seed. Perform maintenance more instensif to embroider plants coNAGALAUT.COM Agen Judi Bola Online Piala Dunia 2014, SBOBET, IBCBET Terbaik dan Terpercaya di Indonesia uld match the growth of other trees.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Adib añadió, él dijo que los agricultores no

Adib añadió, él dijo que los agricultores no han comenzado ingeniosa. Los agricultores están encontrando métodos para repeler plagas ratas utilizando animales murciélago. Según los agricultores, los animales podrían aprovecharse de laMASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA murciélagos culpable (rata) cuando va a atacar o comer arroz. En presencia del murciélago animal, haciendo que las ratas tienen miedo de dañar la cáscara de arroz. Pero, por desgracia, los agricultores todavía Sambat como murciélagos animales han comenzado a ser difícil de encontrar, ya que fue precedida por los murciélagos silvestres diambili criador Los murciélagos vampiro utilizando un sensor térmico altamente sensible cerca de la nariz y la boca para determinar la presencia de sangre. David Julius, de la Universidad de California, San Francisco, Estados Unidos, examinando el sensor y el sitio web citado por LiveScience, miércoles (03.08.2011). Los murciélagos vampiros duermen los animales destinatarios, como las aves y los mamíferos, incluso los seres humanos. La investigación ha demostrado que los murciélagos tienen células en el cerebro que son sensibles a los sonidos animales sueño para respirar. Sensor de calor hace que los murciélagos pueden distinguir la piel que cubre la parte del cuerpo que contiene la sangre fresca y caliente el área del cabello. Ellos usan sus afilados dientes para crear agujeros de 5 milímetros cuadrados de la piel y chupar la sangre de los animales sin despertar. Los murciélagos usan de receptores que se encuentran en los mamíferos, incluyendo los seres humanos, a sentir el calor y el chile picante. Sin embargo, los receptores de murciélagos capaces de detectar niveles bajos de calor, alrededor de 30 grados Celsius, desde una distancia de 20 centímetros. Adib que escuchar y ver de primera mano entregados constituyentes wadulan, en última instancia, debe actuar para pedir al Gobierno de la Provincia de Java Agen Judi Bola SBOBET IBCBET Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014Oriental para proporcionar inmediatamente asistencia a multiplicar o criar animales este murciélago. "Se espera que estos animales podrían ayudar a los agricultores de plagas de roedores. Así que los agricultores serán capaces de disfrutar de la cosecha según qué esperar ", dijo Adib avanzó de distrito electoral Situbondo, Bondowoso y Banyuwangi es. (Rofik) Galería de fotos
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"Cuidado con ... granizo", gritó un grupo de Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesia animales con un león escapado. El murciélago se sentía preocupado por estas cosas para que le importaba volver a unirse al grupo de las aves. Se reunió con el pájaro es un raha águila. "Mira mis alas, este pájaro me gustas". Halcón murciélago acepta de buen grado.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Las técnicas de cultivo son parte de las

Las técnicas de cultivo son parte de las actividades agroindustriales debe estar orientada a la demanda del mercado. Paradigma Agronegocios: Cómo comercializar un producto no elaborado, pero la manera de producir productos comercializables. En relación con esto, las técnicas de cultivo deben tener competitividad y tecnología superior. La agricultura orgánica no puede JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAser administrado en el extranjero - al azar, sino que debe ser profesional. Esto significa que el gerente de negocios debe saber exactamente lo que estaba haciendo, era capaz de leer la situación y condición, así como innovadores y creativos. En relación con el mercado (mercado), por supuesto la agroindustria se debe hacer con una buena planificación y continuó, por lo que los productos han sido conocidos por dominar el mercado y establecer los intermediarios e incluso los consumidores y no al revés.
Pewiwilan todos los brotes de agua (brotes que salen de debajo de la axila de hojas diwiwil o dipotek primera rama, así como la primera y la segunda flor en la primera rama también diwiwil, mientras que posteriormente se mantuvieron las flores y ramas.
Plagas y el Control de Enfermedades sólo llevan a cabo cuando sea necesario, es decir, si los síntomas visibles de la presencia de insectos o enfermedades. Para las medidas preventivas pesticidas rociados una vez por semana.
Weeding hecho las malezas que crecen allí, por lo que es necesario.
La fertilización se lleva a cabo en la semana 2, 4, 6 y 8. Ponga un círculo alrededor de la planta en forma.
El riego se realiza sólo cuando sea necesario cuanto más grande es la planta con mayor frecuencia, especialmente si las plantas se riegan y frutas eran berbuga. JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAAlgunas preguntas sobre la siembra
Se empapa pasado debe Semillas Antes de plantar o sembrar?
No necesariamente, el objetivo es evitar que la inmersión en agua puede pronto llegar al interior de las semillas que germinan rápidamente. Si bien el suelo mojado y no aguadas diligente ciertamente un problema si no empapado. Remojar las semillas realmente útiles para la clasificación de las semillas, las semillas que flotan son generalmente hueca o llena de contenido por lo que muy probablemente no va a crecer debe ser desechado y semillas flotantes se plantan / sembrado
Se empapan con agua caliente?
Remojar en agua caliente se realiza generalmente por una semilla de cáscara duro JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA, semillas de la planta tienen que ser más fuerte cuanto mayor sea el remojo. También es bueno se empapa con agua fría como la semilla de lechuga / lechuga.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Síntomas: las escalas tipo incurridos en la cabeza.

Síntomas: las escalas tipo incurridos en la cabeza.
Control: con azufre en polvo. Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesia    Enfermedades de los Ojos
Causas: Las bacterias y polvo.
Los síntomas: Ojos llorosos y mantener mojada.
Control: con pomada para los ojos.
Causa: La leche que sale un poco / no poder salir.
Síntomas: pezones endurecidos y calientes al tacto.
Control: con el destete no demasiado abrupto.
La causa: un virus.
Los síntomas: secreción nasal continúa.
Control: pulverización antiséptico en la nariz.
Causa: La bacteria Pasteurella multocida.
Síntomas: dificultad para respirar, los ojos y las orejas azuladas.
Control: nos dieron una bebida Sul-Q-nox.
Causa: Eimeira protozoos.
Síntomas: pérdida de apetito, cuerpo delgado, distensión abdominal y diarrea con sangre.
Control: dada una dosis de 12 ml sulfaquinxalin beber 1 litro de agua.
Las plagas de conejos en general, son depredadores de conejos como los perros. En general, y la prevención de enfermedades y pengendalianhama realizado por mantener el medio ambiente de la jaula, la alimentación adecuada y la nutrición se reúnen tan pronto como sea posible y la eliminación del ganado enfermo.


Principales resultados
El resultado principal es la carne de conejo y de la piel
Resultados adicionales en forma de estiércol como fertilizante
Luego de considerar cómo sostener el conejo debe ser cierto que los conejos no tienen dolor.
9. Poscosecha

Conejos en ayunas durante 6-10 horas antes de cortar para vaciar el intestino. Provisión de agua potable sigue siendo.
De corte puede ser de 3 maneras:
Vencer la batalla contra la introducción, el conejo fue golpeado con un objeto contundente en la cabeza y coma cuando son sacrificados.

MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA         Cuello fractura de hueso, un hueso roto con un tirón en el cuello. Este método es menos buena.
De corte regular, al igual que cortar otros tipos de ganado.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Seeds sown in deep transverse bolt

 Seeds sown in deep transverse bolt approximately 0.5-1cm to 10cm distance between the bolt.
Cover with banana leaves / or wet burlap sack with a thin layer of soil.
Watering every day. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya    Plants fertilized with the leaves as much as 1/3-1/2 recommended to spray the plants at the age of 1 month.
2-month-old seedlings with a height of 10-15cm ready to be moved to cultivate.
Supplies of seed origin as much as 1.5-2 kg seeds / ha.

The weakness of the seed nursery seedbeds are able to harvest 1 month longer than the original seed seedling shoots.

Seeding of Puppies

Clumps that will be the 2.5-month-old seedlings and healthy.
Root clump together disassembled, clean soil and roots attached / old leaves.
Separate the clumps so we get some new clumps consisting of 1-3 pups.
Discard most of the leaves.
Seeds stored in damp places da firm for 5-7 days.
Necessity is 200,000 cuttings cuttings / ha.

Seed origin seedling cuttings can be planted directly into the ground. However, first subtract the roots and cut most of the leaves to reduce evaporation. (Vice, 2006) 2.2.2 Processing of Land

Land preparation is done 15-30 days before planting.
Pembedengan for paddy soil / ground land (dry land):

Clean the area of ​​weeds and rocks / gravel.
Tillage depth of 30-40cm until crumbly.

Make beds 80-100cm wide, 30cm high with a width of 25-30cm between beds.
Use the spacing of 20 x 25cm or 20 x 30cm.
Mix evenly with soil, 10-15 tons / ha manure beds and smooth surface.

Liming is done if the soil pH <6.5 with 1-2 tons / ha of dolomite lime is mixed evenly with the soil at a depth of 30cm.
Estimated dose and timing of fertilizer application are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Recommendations for Onions Leaf Fertilizer on Soil Mineral Content of the level of P and K Medium (Maynard and Hocmuth, 1999)
Age Urea ZA SP36 Target KCl pH Kg / ha / planting 6.5 Preplant 47,100,311 56 - 2 MST 93,200,112 -


Saturday, July 5, 2014

In how to grow roses in pots,

In how to grow roses in pots, can be performed or propagated by cuttings, seeds, and some are doing with grafting. However, from the way bebragia, plant propagation is most easily done by stem cuttings. This method does not require special treatment, pengerjaanya fast and simple. Also, it can make a flower with many multiplication.
Planting potted roses can be done if there is no special place or places in the park enough. Here are tips on planting roses in pots:
Apalgi have now

     Take cuttings of seedlings to be planted in pots. Try to take at the center but not far from the base. Do not plant parts or eventually those who are young, because the tip of the rose plant, not able to adapt well to the environment because the plants are still young tissue. Planting the end, it is rarely successful
     Provide pots, both made of ceramic, cement, clay, or plastic.
     Provide black soil, or used burning. Black soil taken at the top of top-soilnya ata. Provide compost, sand each 1:1: 1/4 Plants Roses are plants that are much liked by everyone, especially by teenagers, because roses have high aesthetic element for a person who saw it. Rose plants are ornamental plants plant sale price was fairly stable, especially. and in pembudidayaanna is not too difficult, because it's a lot of people are successful with this ornamental planting roses.

     History of Rose Plants

A rose is a shrub of genusRosa well as the name of this plant produced flowers. Wild roses which consists of more than 100 species mostly grown in the northern hemisphere the valve cool. Species roses are generally a thorny shrub or climbing plant that can reach 2 to 5 meters. Although rare, high plant climbing roses in other plants bisamencapai 20 meters.
Most species have leaves that are between 5-15 cm, two-two opposite (pinnate). Each compound leaf petiole is composed of at least 3 or 5 to 9 or 13 children leaves and leaf leverage (stipules) oval, pertulangan pinnate, beringgit edge edge, tapering at the ends of the leaves and thorny stems close to the ground. Rose was not really tropical plants, most species shed their leaves all over and only a few species in the Southeast Asian evergreen throughout the year. Agen Casino Online Terpercaya
Roses flourish in temperate regions although some cultivars are the result of joining methods (grafting) can be grown in subtropical climates to the tropics. In addition as cut flowers, roses have many benefits, including anti-depressants, antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and a source of vitamin C. Rose oil is one of the acyl atsirih oil distillation and evaporation leaves so that the crown can be made into perfume. Rose can also be used for tea, jelly, and marmalade.

  1. Varieties of cut roses are widely known among Indonesia, namely:

     Queen marry
     Purple, etc..

  2. Techniques Cultivation Rose, Covers:
1. Preparation of Land
              Tillage is a tillage or preparing land for new planting medium used for the plants to grow better with nutrients more willing.

2. Preparation Seed
              Preparation of seed / seedling is the provision of seeds to be used as planting material.

   3. Planting Seeds Agen Casino Online Terpercaya
         Planting seeds is the removal of the polybag to planting new media with the aim to optimize the growth of these plants. Spacing used in the raised bed is 20x20 cm and the distance between beds is estimated at 50 cm.
   4. Maintenance of plant
                   - pengepelan
              Pengepelan is the disposal of old leaf stalks the very bottom of the range of 2-3 leaves from the bottom.
             - Pewiwilan
                Disposal Pewiwilan is growing interest on the part of the stalk pembendingan.
             - Pembendingan is perundukan stem roses on stems that grow on the main stem (trunk grafting), in order to grow new buds on the stalk pembendingan.


        Agribusiness Sector

                     To do business development related to the farming of ornamental plants roses and cut roses is actually only with adequate maintenance and peng Agen Casino Online Terpercayaintensifan treatment (thorough, diligence etc.), Rose plants have been able to benefit many times for entrepreneurs.

Monday, June 30, 2014

then prepare a nest or fibers in the enclosure

then prepare a nest or fibers in the enclosure for cattle size is not so important issue is not too small for the space for the birds, in the afternoon when it mate unite male and female canaries and save the most good stuck on the wall,DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA
Sometimes we can not wait to see and observe birds, KN which will soon spawn him haul fiber overfeed females and males, if the cage is already a dab neat round shape no longer spawn the process of pairing females 5 days to 10 days bertelor birds and birds counted from the first day bertelor the male should be separated when the egg is 1 or 3 and keep separate krodong his manly that not only memangil2 females and vice versa, and it's also how the character of the bird KN can be separated or on leave, my experience in the united puppies died because trampled breeders and male .
and the eggs hatch in 14 days erami eg 1st first egg out of date 14-15 eggs hatch and the following day her if there are late hatching wrote overlay can use a flashlight or glow when black let it go ahead if it was not clear in buahi throw it, and provide nutrients and vitamins to the breeders to stay fit and healthy puppies, in the age of 5-7 days can wear the ring as a sign of hehehee rancher

if it fails try again and make a lesson, but in fact success is NOT HIS!!
usually 28-30 days after seedling can be separated from the parent and the parent can be farmed again ..
good luck and good luck berexperime key to success is patience and do not forget to pray first in menernak bird ..

Having seen both the walnut pillars, we must pay attention to the content of the female's nest. Take a dirty nest and replace with a clean slate. And we save some of the contents nest at the base of the cage, because the content is usually nest in the bottom of the cage will be moved back into the nest. To spruce up the nest to make it look beautiful, usually walnuts finely plucked females like males walnuts or walnut fuzz from the female's own. If in the existing nest fluff, then sign soon will bertelor female parent. To speed up the process and reduce the risk of injury bertelor because fluff plucked, we can enter into a cage of fine cotton as a substitute to taste the fuzz.

Similarly, success tips and how livestock farming walnuts that I can give to the novice breeder who stopped by this blog. Hope it can enhance the success of a walnut farm for all of you who intend to become a hobby and a reliable breeder canary. Other breeders, the other way. Do not be discouraged if you fail a walnut farm. Because of the failures we can learn and gain the experience. Remember, patience will bear fruit is sweet. No exception to the cultivation of a canary bird kenari.TIPS CATTLE FOR BEGINNERS

In breeding canaries there are several factors that must be considered is the age of walnuts, gender, means of supporting livestock and animal science. Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya


Age be the determining factor in the success or failure of breeding canaries, age is not the best in the breeding too young or not too old. Walnut ready cattle for a minimum of 6 months and 8 months female canary for the canary males, but to a large walnut and its derivatives such as Yorkshire lust a little slow at least 1 year of age.


You as a breeder must master traits canary male or female, in determining the sex of walnuts is quite difficult for beginners but for senior hobis very easy to specify them enough notice of posture canary although in certain cases there is a walnut Sometimes very difficult to determine the type of sex.
The main characteristics:

1. Walnuts male young age ± 1.5 months of age or older have started to learn the sound / ngriwik.
2. Ukuan body / body tends to lean males (lengthwise), neck rather long, if the female body looks somewhat rounded.
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3. Anus males when viewed (by the way that the feather blown around not blocking) stand upright / vertical, if the female reverse / horizontal.
4. The adult males rang loud and ngeroll.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sumberr organic fertilizer and mineral content

Sumberr organic fertilizer and mineral content of each type of fertilizer tersebut.Sebelum fertilized, cleaned up around the plants first and then made a trench encircling the plant canopy width 2-10 cm deep. fertilizer sown in it and then closed again.

Sela Plant Pananaman
In the vegetative phase, ie since the nutmeg seed is planted until the plants begin to learn to bear fruit, then among the nutmeg plants still loose. If the land is in a well-made beds and beds for crops planted between, for example, plant beans or vegetables.
Once the plants begin to learn to bear fruit nutmeg, tanamana sidelines can be replaced with ground cover plants or lawn. Useful ground cover to maintain soil moisture, improve soil structure, suppress weed growth, and prevent soil erosion around the plant.

PALA Plant Pests and Diseases

Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 A. Pests
Important pests often attack plants which are swbagai nutmeg follows.
1. Borer Stem (Batocera spp.)
Stem borer attack symptoms are hoist on a rod with a diameter of ½ -2 cm, and there was a hole hoist sawdust. As a result of these pests in a long time can kill plants.
Control of stem borer can be done by closing the hole with a wooden hoist, thus injecting poison into the systemic trunk, make indentations in the hole and kill hamanya hoist.
2. Termites
Termite infestation is common in gardens that are less clean than shrubs and tree stumps. Termites usually strikes the bottom of the plant, starting from the root and stem to the inside of the trunk, so that all parts of the stem affected.
Special sign of termite attack is the black spot on the surface of the rod. If bercah black shelled, then invisible nest along the channel created by termites in it. Finally stems heavily infected plants will die.
Termite control can be done by spraying the insecticide solution two times a year. Spraying aimed at the ground and around the stem to prevent termites rise to the upper part of the stem.
3. Beetles (areoceum foriculatus)
This pest attacks the nutmeg seed that has fallen. Imago broaching seeds, then lay eggs in it. In these seeds, the eggs will develop into a larva that can broaching whole nutmeg.
Beetle pest control can be done by picking the nutmeg fruit is attacked, then the nutmeg fruit or dried immediately.
B. Disease
The main diseases that are often detrimental to the plant are as follows pal.
1. Dried Fruit Rot
The cause of the disease is the dried fruit rot fungi (mushrooms) Siigmina myristicae (Stein) Mand. Sum Et Rifai. Symptoms that can
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA be observed visually is the fruit of initially infected are small round patches of diameter less than 0.3 cm, or brown precipitate (concave).
The patches will continue to extend reach of approximately 2.5 cm. On the surface spotting, mildew will form a greenish-black mass. Finally spotting will dry up and become hard, so broken and fallen fruit.
Dried fruit rot disease control can be accomplished by reducing the moisture to hold pembabatam weeds and garden sanitation, burning the remains of diseased plants, and spraying fungicide Dithame M-45 concentration of 0.2%.
2. Rotten Fruit Wet
The cause fruit rot disease adalahcendawan wet (mildew) Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. Symptoms that can be observed is the base of the thigh infected fruit are brown splotches. The development spots quickly, so in a few days reached 2.5 cm in diameter. The inside of the fruit pulp becomes damaged, soft, and watery kebasah-basahan. Fruit is easy to fall ill and become brown like it had been boiled.
Wet fruit rot disease control can be done by way of maintaining hygiene (sanitation) garden, prune infested fruit weight, and spray the plants
JOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya with fungicides during the rainy season, among others, with Dithane M-45 concentration of 0.2%.